Saturday, September 08, 2007

9.9 @ 9pm - Launch Party Time....

I have the honor to be hosting one of the greatest parties of all time ... The Launch Party!!
Here's an inside scoop: We've got a live jazz band, Karaoke, 2 iPod nanos (the new ones) iPod shuffles, Itunes cards, Starbucks cards , Tshirts and much more .... it's going to be a launch to remember .... the cameras go on at 9 pm at --- and you 'll also want to be connected to
I can't wait - see you there !

Here's one last invite:


One Man's Struggle To Take It Easy said...

So do you know Hal Mayer?

@heredes said...

Yeah ... I met him not too long ago in Tampa over Pizza... and then helped produce the weekend he was down here to teach at Flamingo. Are you with him at Church by the Bay ?