Sunday, September 16, 2007

Cds, DVDs & Heredees

It's not a typo Blogville .... the title actually rhymes if you say it out loud. ;)
Just wanted to quickly share some things I was able to "consume" this morning... some of it is brand new, some of it just recent - most of it is good.

As a worship leader... I'm constantly on the lookout for great songs that can help people connect with God. I think we might have some here... I'll be reviewing and recommending some of it soon.

For now ... I'd just like to say that I am so happy Casting Crowns covered Steve Fee's "All Because of Jesus". I began covering that song ever since I saw him last year at 722 in Atlanta - I actually chorded out the song from a ghetto live recording of that night I had on my digital camera. I "myspaced" Steve and got the full lyrics from him and began playing the tune immediately at church! Eight months later Steve released his album and just last week Casting crowns re-released the song! So there you have it ... I claimed the hit (at least here in South Florida)! ;)

Consumed products pictured above (from top to bottom):

-Crave DVD from Erwin Mcmanus' Mosaic
-Shane & Shane CD - Pages
-Casting Crowns CD - The Altar and the Door
-Vertical CD - Invencile (Spanish Worship)
-DC Talk CD/DVD - 10th year anniversary release
-Planet Shakers CD/DVD - Pick it Up
-Planet Shakers CD/DVD - Evermore
-Planet Shakers CD/DVD - Saviour of the World

Not pictured but worth buying right now is Steve Fee's Album "Burn for You"

Just a reminder -
Have you checked out my Naked Pastor lately? See him live now @


Anonymous said...

i love that song too bro!!


Stacie said...

Rock on! I L-O-V-E Casting Crowns.