Thursday, February 07, 2008

Discipline, Discipline, Discipline

Here are some short notes from our staff meeting this week (mainly as reminder for myself) - you can read full length notes on my wife's blog.

Troy was on fire .... read more from him on the potential blog in the days to come.

"Troyism" of the night: "God initiates the vision ... self discipline leads us there."

* Discipline bleeds.
* Discipline is not like riding a bike, its more like building a muscle.
* Discipline is never fun, the results always are.
* Discipline is initiated by VISION
* Discipline is fueled by progress
* Discipline is passed on by success
* When we are weak .. something will be strong


chad said...

Bro, don't make me go Godfather up in here. I have an entire legion of middle school and high school kids who at my beck and call will bring down a wrath of pranks and tricks on you and everything you call dear in your life. I promise you that what ever you could imagine will be paid back to you ten fold. It's Biblical proportions I am trying to warn you about here. We will call this junk mail award even now. I have much love for you but "I know what you did Frado. You broke my heart Frado."


@heredes said...

Yo Swanzilicious,

Just let me know when I should start being scared....

I ll be eating popcorn and placing oriental trading orders meanwhile


Marcy Ribeiro said...
