Sunday, February 17, 2008

Kanye West Grammy Acceptance Speech

Just in case you missed it last week ...
here is Kanye's last Grammy appearance (in my opinion) - :)
If I were directing ... I would've cut to commercial unapologetically
He is good - but not that good!
Anyone disagree?


Anonymous said...

lol..yea i was watching it too.

i totally agree with u.

Jescel said...

i agree.. he is too full of himself.

anyways, what was the title and the singer of the new worship song you sang this morning? i like it. thanks.

@heredes said...
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Ro(bert)o Lopez said...


@heredes said...

Hey Jescel ... yup! He's way to full of himself.

Anyway -- the new song is actually an old one called "This is Our God" by Chris Tomlin and David Crowder (you can find it on Tomlin's live album - Live from Austin)

Glad you liked it :)

by the way -- great new songs out by Passion on iTunes

2 new worship songs to look for and buy:

God of this City by Chris Tomlin
Sing,Sing,SIng by Chris Tomlin

Sketchism said...

I don't see what all the fuss is about. He did a good job on the album, he got the award, made a few shout outs (including one to his deceased mother), and provoked you to write an entry about him. I'd say he knows what he's doing.

Good job, 'Ye.

all day (allen d) said...

simply put: pride comes before a fall

Holly said...

I have to disagree. They gave him less than one minute to speak before they began the music, yes he is a little over confident, but he wanted to give props to his mom and unless you have lost your mom, who knows how you would handle standing in front of millions trying to hold it together. I say we give him the benefit of the doubt in this situation due to the fact that his mom just died. I believe he has a tough outer wall to hide behind his pain! If it were Justin Timberlake and he was in the same situation, how would the TV producers handled it and if Justin had handled it the same way, would we be as upset...I am not judging, just asking ourselves to think about it...spoken in love, Holly

Jescel said...

Pride. That's his problem. He thinks that because he's too good, he deserves a longer speech time than the others. Everyone was given the same amount of time and try to finish their speech within that given period. But no, Kanye wants to take his time and acts as if Grammy owes it to him. He wants the Grammy organizers to appear rude when actually, he's the one being rude because he didn't respect the rules. I'm sorry that he lost his mother, but his speech to me was mostly ME-ME-ME. The Mama thing at the end was a good touch for drama! If he really wanted to honor his Mama, then he should only have spoken about her and less about himself.

Ernie Holmes said...

I agree Heredes, although I loved his glasses & jacket. It started sounding arrogant to me when he talked about "owning the stage" there. I've seen better and worse artists have the music start playing over their acceptance speeches. Awards shows would go on for days if TV producers didn't do that. Now, if only I could be as compassionate as Holly. :)

Anonymous said...

My dislike for this guy has no limits. You just don't act like that infront of so many people.

He'll get what's coming to him if he carries on like that.