Thursday, March 06, 2008


I have found myself unconsciously multitasking every opportunity I get. It makes me feel so productive ... I'm not sure if its good or not , but here are some examples.

- Drive to work while listening to podcasts/audio books
- Drive back from work and make phone calls
(for an hour straight)
- Watch TV while reading blogs and browsing net
- Bathroom breaks with books and magazines
- Cardio workout while listening to new music
- Texting while driving too .. Marcy hates this one
- Practicing guitar while Marcy cooks
- Watch online videos while waiting on a render or download
- Waiting in line anywhere... replying to emails on iPhone
- Watching shows on HULU during lunch with coworkers
- Listening to online radio while working (
- Walking and chewing gum :)

Well ... maybe these things are pretty common after all. Any additional suggestions? Anyone in Blogville multitasking?


Rey De Armas said...

i agree w/ marcy on the texting and driving. I watch video podcasts while checking social networks and playing scrabulous. (best game ever)

Sarah said...

Let's petition Steve for some waterproof iPhone.
Then you can listen to new music, watch videos,and reply to emails while showering and/or taking baths.

HEY! today I asked mom what she was going to make for lunch, and she said "steak", then I said "Steaaaak??" and she said "isso, steak".
woo hoo!
We're not too tight for steak.

Anonymous said...

What about a time to stop and dream? A time to enjoy the organic, the non-technical, the natural. Rarely does this kind beauty stop in front of you, you have to stop so you can see it.

This doesn't look like multitasking, it looks like freakin

Remember what you told me playa...Choose to cheat, choose to cheat.

@heredes said...

Yo playa ...

it has nothing to do with burning out ...

You have to multi task - in order to have time to stop and dream and hug trees like yo do.

If you dont ... then you end up cheating yourself...

Stuff needs to get done .. might as well be productive and multi task.

Potential brop .. potential! DOn't settle!

Jeffrey D said...

Welcome to the show...

Dave and Vicky said...

You haven't multi-tasked until you have had children :)

Anonymous said...

amen to vicky's comment!!! how about feeding kids, doing dishes, taking a few bites of your own breakfast, letting the dog out and then letting the dog back in!

lili said...

i knew we were related!!! in some mystical way =) i am the squeezer of every minute, multi task queen who wouldnt have it any other way...ofcourse always taking the time to enjoy those amazing sunsets!?! (while peekin' on the berry) =)

your "big" sis

Jescel said...

Practicing guitar while Marcy cooks.... How can this be multi-tasking? Isn't multi-tasking doing more than one thing YOURSELF???? LOL.....

But I agree with Marcy on the texting, and phone calls while driving I also would not recommend! But I applaud your multi-tasking efforts.

Anonymous said...

Hey what's with the smile face after the walking and chewing gum? Do you know how long it took me to master that one.