Friday, April 25, 2008

Explain please...

Some one needs to explain please...
I wasn't sure what to do. ...


Kiki said..., nothing...can't wait to hear some explanations:)

Ro(bert)o Lopez said...

So obvious!
it's clearly a diving board installed by the cockroaches for their pool parties!

Anonymous said...

I think it to clean you when u go to the bathroom not like take a crap lol!

And i well not say my name but yea i thhink that is what it is for!

Do i win any thing if i got it right lol!

Holly said...

Thank God you are a guy!

Dave and Vicky said...

Definitely something silly Dave would ask ...actually I think it's for cleaning each time it's used..but for all the times we have been in and out of hospitals I have never seen it work.

Tell Marcy we are praying for her.
Call us if you need anything.

Kenny said...

Hey man, I heard about your wife. We're definitely keeping you guys in our prayers

Now, just so you know, this is a very special toilet. The "Pee Wand" helps reduce the amount of pee that gets on the toilet seat. It's a target for men and a relief for women!

I should go to jeopardy...seriously

Texas Dave said...


Anonymous said...

I think is for the hemorroids patients. They can't not use paper when they are irritated, just wash their behinds...tell if this is a good guess...