Saturday, June 14, 2008

Yes, No , Maybe?


Sketchism said...

Not exactly sure what it is. Can you explain the tat?

Anonymous said...

digging it bro....wouldve done it bigger maybe.

Chris V.

Anonymous said...

HECK YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Amanda said...

i like it. do it.
does it symbolize anything?

Yoel said...

Well what does it mean. And correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't John Mayer have one that same size, same place, but I'm sure hes got some diff. design on it.

edlilichrisvic said...

looks unique PH! ur gonna have to share what it means -L

Jescel said...

Lev. 19:28

Anonymous said...

Dont mean to be rude or anything...but your friend has not read Lev 19:28 all the way through bic it also says to not make piercing and i am almost sure she has piercing like the rest of the female christian population.
Besides...thats old testament, we no longer live according to the law but by grace!!

Anonymous said...

Leviticus? Have u read the entire chapter... N book?
Different audience different context...
woven clothes? Hair on sides? Slaves?
We have to be consistent then..
I'm just saying. Context is critical!

Kenny said...

Looks like John Mayer's Tat. I say you do it!

Merari said...

tats are hot! go for it.

Though I would like to know the meaning behind it... and a better picture so I can see it close up

Heather Palacios said...

Bro, love doing life w/ you & Marcella. You know what rev's me about you? Is YOU are always YOURSELF. There's only 1 Heredes who God made and you are living him everyday...props, bro!
PS-If your tat for God is gonna help u connect w/ someone who has a tat & doesn't know God, do your thing. None of us r sinless enough to judge : )

Anonymous said...

I hope Marcy gets one too!

The Bullet :)

Anonymous said...



Jescel said...

OLIVIA -- Yes, we are not subject to the Old Testament anymore. But the fact that the Lord has mentioned it, should make us, as christians, question it. Yes I have ear piercing, not by choice, but because my parents did it when I was young. But I don't want to debate with you, becuase really God judges all of us with our motivations. Why do it? Is it for the glory of God or to attract attention to oneself?
Anyways Heredes,I guess at the end of the day, it's up to you because what you do is between you and God. But I'll leave you with these thoughts.. read this

Amanda said...

i wanna know what it means!

Ro(bert)o Lopez said...

As far as the whole leviticus 19:28 thing goes, that verse was referring to pagan practices back then and the verse even goes on to say "don't do it in remembrance of the dead." so does that mean you shouldn't have one of those tattoos that say "in loving memory of _______". WHO CARES! that's Old testament stuff. I happened to think Tats are cool and I have both ears pierced. I'm not sure what that tattoo says but it does look pretty sick. Now on the other hand I do kinda think (and this is just me) that any trend that is permanent is a bad idea. Piercings you could take out whenever you want but will your tat really look as cool in 50 years when you are playing with your grandkids? If the answer for you is yes, then you have my support all the way. Do it bro!

Anonymous said...

Let's adhere to Lev 19. But let's look at what else...

Do not plant your field with two kinds of seed.
Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material.
Do not eat any meat with the blood still in it.
Do not cut the hair at the sides of your head or clip off the edges of your beard.
Keep all my decrees and all my laws and follow them. I am the LORD.

All in in chapter 19. Wow we're in trouble. I better stop shaving. Not trying to start a theological debate. But if we're going to take every part of the bible seriously, let's stop picking and choosing. Let's give our possessions to the poor, and all those things that "weren't meant that way." Having said that..., ask for Jose. He did Eddie's Tat.

Jescel said...

My posting Lev 19:28 was intentional. I knew it would elicit a lot of reactions. And it did. Good. Let me start by saying that the Old Testament was not ABOLISHED when Jesus came, He came to FULFILL it. Yes, SOME of the cultures and practices in the Old Testament are no longer applicable (literally) to our modern times, because then where would that leave all of us? . But what I was hoping was that someone would read Lev. 19:28 and see beyond what is written – and realize the NATURE of the GOD that we are serving, because if anything, the Old Testament really paints a clear picture of what God’s true nature is. When GOD gave instructions to SOLOMON and DAVID to build HIS temple, He was very precise in everything. He wanted a majestic and glorious temple. Now, let’s come to the modern day temple – OUR BODIES. To all Christians who are contemplating of doing a tattoo on their body, I would really suggest that you think these questions through before doing it… Do you really believe that a tattoo would look glorious and majestic in the Lord’s temple? Do you think that God wasn’t creative enough when He made you that you have this need to ADD on to His design? Would that tattoo call attention to God, or to you?

I do like tattoos, I think those who do them are very talented, I just wish that they use a different canvas to express their creativity on. And while I like tattoos, it doesn’t mean that I like them on my body. We need to remember that our bodies, as well as our souls, have been redeemed and belong to God. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 "What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's." Although this doesn’t directly apply to body tattoos and piercings, it does give us a principle on how to deal with issues that the Bible did not explicitly address. This great truth should have a real bearing on what we do and where we go with our bodies. If our bodies belong to God, then we should make sure we have God’s clear "permission" before we "graffiti it up" with tattoos or body piercings.”

And lastly, I do agree with Roberto – that if you think you’d still look good 50 yrs from now with that tattoo when your skin is all old and wrinkly…. Nah, I still wouldn’t recommend it!

Anonymous said...

nice little convo here huh ?

wasted energy .. geez .

The poor kid just asked Yes, No or Maybe .. not for dissertations ..



Jescel said...

LOs --He did say "your thoughts?" at the bottom of his pic and my thoughts are not limited to yes, no and maybe. I'm sad that you would think this discussion a wasted energy. This is a very relevant issue and I don't think it's wrong if we discuss it here.

Ro(bert)o Lopez said...

Hahaha...That's funny that Carlos (los) commented. I was coming back to comment specifically about his tattoo. He has one of the coolest "christian" tattoos I have ever seen. Check out his blog if you don't believe me. He was even featured on LA Ink!

Anonymous said...

i think it'd be pretty sweet.

thats all im going to say.. lol

Sarah said...

My brother is hot, with or without it.
Any one wanna argue that?

Anonymous said...

Ya bro, if you get it. I will go with you and get one also man!! That is dope!! lol

Anonymous said...

lol.. ur awesome sarah.. mad props

Michael said...

Heredes, my thoughts are very simple....Tattoos are Cool, if you want one go get one. I personally think you should!I got three myself and going for my 4th!!

Sketchism said...

Sa-rah, I will contest that.

Sketchism said...

Bah, who am I kidding.

Jeffrey D said...

did you get it?

Anonymous said...

WOW!! Some interesting comments.

Ro(bert)o Lopez said...

Lots a comments here! I haven't seen this many here since the commentathon of 07 (Blog Party). Let's go for 50!

Brigitte said...

I heard about these crazy convos on your comments and I thought i'd check it out. This is too funny!!!
I can't believe how great this posting is. My thoughts...
very cool. I'm not a fan of tats for myself but I've always been a fan of good art! Do what you like. as long as you stay away from flowers you're good! =)

Anonymous said...

As you've probably heard, a bunch of people don't like it and a bunch of people are probably going to give you crap for it. Not to say that what we do should be based on what other people think/say, but your role as an ambassador of christ should come first. Therefore, since some of those really callused churchy people that look for anything, AND I MEAN ANYTHING to make you look bad, not listen to you, destroy your name, and gossip about you, you shouldn't do that so that you don't get involved in stupid arguments, and waste time that you could be using to further spread Gods kingdom. Anyway, sometimes those "christians" are the ones that need the most help because their belief in God is purely superficial, and they either aren't real followers of Christ or they're lacking that depth that christ so desires with them, and it's our job to help them.

Just what i was thinking.